NSW Smart and Skilled
Smart and Skilled is a reform of the NSW Vocational Education and Training system.
“This training is subsidised by the NSW Government”
Smart and Skilled provides eligible students with access to government-subsidised training in NSW. It helps people in NSW get qualifications in in-demand skills and industries to find a job or advanced their current careers.
Smart and Skilled gives eligible students:
- an entitlement for government subsidised training up to and including Certificate III
- government funding for higher-level courses (Certificate IV and above) in targeted priority areas
- School-Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBATs)
- Apprenticeships and Traineeships
InTech is an approved provider of NSW Smart and Skilled subsidised courses across NSW, including the greater Sydney Metro region.
With Smart and Skilled, you have more choice when selecting courses.
To find out more about the NSW Smart and Skilled program and course availability in your region click here.
Eligiblity Criteria
Type of Program | Eligibility Criteria |
All Smart and Skilled Programs |
Smart and Skilled Entitlement Apprenticeships and Traineeships Program |
- Be a NSW Apprentice or New Entrant Trainee and has an approved Training Contract in NSW; and
- Have the approved Qualification show on their Training Contract and the qualification must be on the NSW Skills List.
Proof of Eligibility
Eligibility Requirement | Evidence Required |
USI (Unique Student Identifier) | USI – validity checked with Office of USI Registrar |
Australian (or New Zealand) Citizenship |
Permanent resident or Humanitarian Visa holder | One of the following must be sighted:
Date of birth | Valid USI check and participant signature (completed by the Department) |
Place of residency or employment NSW | Participant declaration and signature |
If registered as a NSW apprentice or new entrant trainee | Training contract identifier (TCID) – Department System check against Training Contract details stored in Training Services NSW database |
Previous Qualification | Participant declaration and signature (Department will check) |
Completion of Year 10 or equivalent (if under 17) | Participant declaration and signature |
Postcode for ATSI on borders | Participant declaration and signature |
Proof for Concession Exemptions | |
Concession: Welfare recipient |
Exemption: Aboriginal descent |
Concession/Exemption: Disability |
Exemption: Social Housing recipient (aged 15 – 30) |
Exemption: Long term unemployed | Letter from Employment Service Provider |
Enrolment Process
Prior to enrolment, you will be provided with the following information:
- Information about the Course you are enrolling in
- Your rights and responsibilities
- Information about obtaining a USI
- The fees chargeable (if applicable)
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT) information
- Consumer protection information
- Subcontractor information (if relevant)
- Procedures required to defer or discontinue training
- Student Support
- Contact Details for any support services provided
Once a student has completed an Enrolment Form, Intech will notify the Department through the Notification of Enrolment Process (see below). Eligibility for funding can only be determined once a student has passed through the Notification of Enrolment Process.
Please note: The Notification of Enrolment process must not be concurrently completed for the same qualification and/or the same units of competency for the same or other qualification(s).
Notification of Enrolment Process
This process outlines the steps that prospective students must take to access government funding.
Note: This process does not apply to the School-Based Apprenticeship and Traineeship Programs.
STEP 1: Complete Enrolment Form
The first step is to complete an InTech enrolment form which provides us with the necessary information about you and obtains your consent for us to undertake the Department’s “Notification of Enrolment Process”.
STEP 2: Notification of Enrolment
Once we receive an enrolment form and your consent*, we start the Notification of Enrolment Process with the Department to inform them that you wish to access funding and to determine your eligibility and entitlements. This includes:
- Inputting your details and validating your eligibility
- Inputting any details of Credit Transfer (CT) or Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) – Providing Intech and the NSW department access to your online USI record is mandatory to help us to complete this step. Refer to the Providing USI Transcript Access for a guide.
- Using the fee calculator to determine your student fees
- Generating a quote which will be provided to you.
Successful completion of the Notification of Enrolment Process will result in the issue of a Commitment ID. This Notification of Enrolment Process must be completed before any training is delivered to you.
*Note: if you do not provide consent, we cannot proceed with the Notification of Enrolment Process.
STEP 3: Training Plan
Once the Notification of Enrolment Process is complete, we will:
- Work with you to create a Training Plan. Where applicable, this also includes working with your employer to creating a Training Plan Proposal and Contract ID
- Commence your training on the Planned Start Date*.
*Note: If you do not commence on this date, your Commitment ID must be cancelled and we will need to go through the Notification of Enrolment Process again to create a new Commitment ID for the new start date.
Fees and Refunds
- Concessions or exemptions to student fees are set by the government on completion of enrolment and cannot be changed so ensure you provide us will all relevant information before you enrol.
- On enrolment, you will be given a Schedule of Fees which will set out when and how they are to pay the student fee (if applicable).
- You will be informed of any additional resource costs if any for equipment, textbooks or personal protective equipment (PPE) prior to enrolment. This information will be included in the Course information and on the InTech website.
- You must have paid the student fees in full by the end of the training course, if you have not, InTech will not issue the you with a Certificate, Qualification or Statement of Attainment.
- There will be no extra fees if we use another party to recruit or deliver training and assessment on our behalf (know as a Third-Party Arrangement)
- In some circumstances (i.e. under certain Awards), the student’s employer will pay for the fee for Traineeships – the student will be informed if this is the case.
- You will be entitled to two attempts to complete a unit of competency without additional cost. Any further attempts may incur a charge.
- If you are awarded Credit Transfer or RPL before the enrolment process, the Student Fee will be adjusted to reflect the number of units awarded recognition.
- If you are awarded RPL after enrolment, a refund of fees paid or an adjustment to any outstanding fees will be made.
- The Student Fee will differ depending on if you have completed other qualifications since leaving school. If you hold another qualification, you will pay a higher student fee.
- If you meet the Smart and Skilled eligibility criteria to undertake a qualification up to and including Certificate III, and if you don’t have any post-school qualification, you will pay the lower fee for your first Smart and Skilled subsidised course at Certificate III level or lower. For any subsequent Smart and Skilled courses undertaken, you will pay a higher fee.
- An Aboriginal or Torres Start Island person
- A student with a disability
- Dependent child, spouse or partner of a recipient of a Disability Support Pension
- Refugee or Asylum seeker (and eligible partners) – for training up to and including Certificate IV
- Recipient of a Fee-Free Scholarship – for training up to and including Certificate IV.
Circumstance | Refund Policy |
Withdrawing from a training program | The student is entitled to a full refund of fees paid if they withdraw more than five days before the scheduled start of the training program |
If the student is entitled to 50 percent of fees paid if they withdraw within five days before the scheduled start of the training program. | |
No refund will be made if the student withdraws after one day before the scheduled start of the training program. | |
If a training programs is cancelled | The student is entitled to a full refund of fees paid. |
Provider Fee Refund Guarantee | |
If for any reason InTech cannot complete the training | The student will be entitled to a refund of fees proportional to the amount of training not delivered. |
If the student withdraws from training but have completed an embedded qualification (i.e. complete all the units for a lower level qualification) | No refund will be made of the different in the student fee will be refunded |
Training Delivery and Training Plan
Training delivered by InTech meets the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and the requirements set by Training Services NSW under Smart and Skilled.
A student receiving Subsidised Training under a Smart and Skilled Program will be provided with a Training Plan within 12 weeks of commencement.
The Training Plan includes the following information:
- Enrolled student’s name and their Commitment ID
- Name and contact details of InTech
- Training activity to be provided
- Support services students will receive if they are Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, have a disability or are long-term unemployed
- Any Recognition of Prior Learning and/or Credit Transfer granted
- The units of competencies included in the Approved Qualification
- Name, code and Australian Qualifications Framework level
- Name and code of Units of Competency to be attained
- Scheduled hours for each Unit of Competency to be attained
- Start and end dates for training and assessments
- Delivery modes (where and how training and assessment will be conducted)
- Learning strategies and resources appropriate for the student
- Trainer or assessor responsible for the training and/or assessment for each Unit of Competency.
All training and assessment dates will be set and confirmed with the student and/or employer to suit their enrolment.
Training plans are signed by the student and InTech.
InTech retains a hard copy or electronic copy of each Training Plan.
Each course or program delivered by InTech has specific resource requirements for each course or program being delivered. These include physical resources and human resources. InTech has in place a system for ensuring that suitable resources are available before training commences. Please ensure that you receive learning resources for each unit in which you are enrolled in.
For Apprentices and Trainees, the Training Plan will be developed according to the NSW Government Training Plan Policy and Procedure, including all the required fields and information.
Assessment Policy
In competency-based training, there is no “pass” or “fail”. Assessment is the demonstration of the specified skills and knowledge to the required level. If this done, the student is “competent”. If the assessment does not produce enough evidence to demonstrate the requirements, then the student is “not competent” and is given further opportunities to gather additional evidence.
Each of the units may be assessed in a number of different ways and may include, but not limited to:
- Question and Answer – either written or verbal
- Observation of the student by the assessor (direct)
- Third-party observation by the workplace supervisor (indirect)
- Written – usually activities, research projects or short reports/essays, case studies
- Samples of work produced
- Supplementary evidence such as policies and procedures from the workplace
During induction, your trainer/assessor will outline the assessment method(s) and requirements for your training. If your trainer/assessor has not given this information to you, please request details.
Assessments undertaken by your trainer/assessor will be valid, reliable, fair and flexible and directly related to the assessment requirements specified in the training package.
Reasonable Adjustment
InTech understands that not all students are able to demonstrate competency in the same way and that it may be necessary to adjust the assessment tasks for individual students. This is referred to as Reasonable Adjustment and it is the process of adjusting or changing the assessment to meet the needs of the student being assessed.
Students with any of the following could expect reasonable adjustment to occur and should speak to their trainers and assessor regarding any changes they feel they need:
- Physical disabilities
- Limited language
- Limited literacy and numeracy skills
- Limited communication skills
- Limited learning abilities
Reasonable adjustments made to facilitate participation may include but are not limited to customised resources and activities within the training package or accredited course:
- Modify the presentation medium
- Learner support
- Use of assistive and/or adaptive technology
- Oral response to questions rather written
- Making information accessible both prior to enrolment and during the course
- Monitoring the adjustments to ensure the student needs continue to be met
Students will be interviewed at enrolment to ensure any required adjustments are included in their training plan. InTech will inform students that need special support as to how it will plan, deliver and asses training to take into account these special needs.
Student Support
Intech Trainers and Support Officers provide students with real-time assistance for any learner support needs. Students are required to disclose all needs that may impact their learning and participation prior to the commencement of training.
During your induction or orientation, Intech will assess your learner needs and you will be able to identify areas where assistance may be required. Our staff are always happy to help you whenever possible. If you are facing problems of any kind, please do not hesitate to contact an Administrative Assistant, Course Coordinator or your Trainer or hello@intech.edu.au. We encourage you to take advantage of the support facilities available before any problems become an issue.
InTech can assist students who require further support in the following areas:
- Language, literacy and numeracy
- People from disadvantaged backgrounds
- Persons from non-English speaking backgrounds
- People with disabilities
- People in rural or isolated locations
Other services include:
- Career assessment: Assessing the student’s innate interests and personality to allow the student to make informed choices about their career plans and the course that is right for their needs
- Flexible assessment procedures: Our strategies allow for students to demonstrate outcomes in appropriately diverse ways
- Language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) assistance: We can assist with LLN barriers and/or help you to access appropriate specialised support.
About Your Training
1. Workplace-Based Training (On-the-Job for Employees Only)
In workplace-based training, you may have a workplace trainer, your employer or another employee who has the appropriate skills, knowledge and expertise in your workplace to assist you and teach you on-the-job the competencies required and to monitor your progress
Your workplace coach is expected to:
- Assist you with your learning both on and off-the-job
- Integrate knowledge learning off-the-job with skills learned on-the-job
- Monitor your progress in off-the-job training through discussion with your workplace coach
- Carry out the unit assessment
- Maintain records relating to workplace training, progress, achievement and assessment
- Liaise with your InTech for your formal assessment
2. Training – Off-the-Job or on InTech Campus
Your off-the-job trainer will be an authorised InTech trainer/assessor. Our InTech trainer is expected to:
- Assist you with learning off-the-job
- Monitor your learning progress
- Maintain records relating to off-the-job training and achievement of trainer competence
- Maintain contact with your employer
- Provide information to your employer/workplace coach concerning your progress
- Take responsibility for your Integrated Competency Assessment tasks
Deferral or Withdrawing from Training
If at any stage you wish to discontinue your training, you must formally notify Intech.
- Apprenticeships/Traineeships: You must complete the Cancellation of an apprenticeship or traineeship by consent form
- Non-Apprenticeships/Traineeships: Please follow the Withdrawal process below.
If for any reason you wish to defer your training, please discuss this with your trainer as your first course of action. Your trainer may refer you to another, appropriate staff member to discuss any support requirements or to the Student Support Staff if you have a complaint or grievance. In all instances we will endeavour to implement processes that will support you to continue with your training.
If you decide to defer you can only do so for a minimum of 12 months, after this time you will not entitled to continue with your course.
A student who wishes to recommence training after discontinuing an Approved Qualification will be treated as a new student and the Notification of Enrolment process must be carried out.
If a student decides to withdraw from their studies, InTech requires the student to discuss the reasons for doing so with a trainer and assessor or staff member. They may refer you to another, appropriate staff member to discuss any support requirements or to the Student Support Staff if you have a complaint or grievance. If you still decide to withdraw then the following applies:
- You should give formal notice, preferably in writing, of the date and reason for your withdrawal
- You will be refunded any outstanding fees in line with the Fee and Refund Policy
- You will be issued a Statement of Attainment for units assessment as competent within 30 days of notice of discontinuation
- Your Training Plan will be updated and you will be provided a copy
- You will be given the results of any assessments
- For Apprentices or Trainees, InTech will notify the local Training Services NSW Regional Office within 14 days of notice of discontinuation; and
- InTech will submit Training Activity Data to finalise the student record
Issue of Qualification
InTech will issue qualifications within 30 days of completion when all assessment decisions have been finalised by the Training Operations Manager.
InTech issues qualifications for accredited training in accordance with the national requirements of the Australian Quality Framework. Qualifications are valid only if as a minimum they include:
- Signature of the Director
- The full name of the student
- The full name and national code of the Training Package or Qualification completed
- A list of all unit of competency and unit codes successfully completed
- The InTech logo and correct statement set by ASQA.
Full AQF qualification are only issued where all units of competency relevant to the qualification have been successfully completed. Where all units and competency have not been successfully completed, a Statement of Attainment for units completed will be issued detailing the AQF qualification from which the units have been taken.
Student Records
Enrolled Students are required to notify InTech immediately when their name, address or contact details change. Students may access their records on request. InTech keeps records for up to 30 years as required by our RTO registration and contractual requirements.
Replacement of qualifications
If you require a copy of your certificate or statement of attainment other than those that will be issued to you at the completion of your qualification, there will be no cost. If you lose your Certificate or Statement of Attainment and require a reprint, this may incur a small administrative fee.
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer
- Detailed resume/CV
- Statements from previous studies or courses
- Work produced
- Work records/documentation
- Photos and videos demonstrating your skills
- Reference letters
Fairness | InTech’s assessment approach encourages fairness in assessment through consideration of the learner’s needs and through making reasonable adjustment when required. |
Flexibility | Assessment is flexible to the individual learner by reflecting the learner’s needs. We assess the learner’s current competence and implement methods appropriate to the context of the industry. |
Validity | Any assessment decision of InTech is justified, based on the evidence of performance of the individual learner. Your evidence must address the broad range of knowledge, skills and application of that knowledge and skills as specified in the performance criteria and evidence guide. |
Reliability | Evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment. |
Sufficiency | You must collect sufficient evidence to satisfy the trainer/assessor that you are competent across all elements of a unit of competence according to the performance criteria. |
Authenticity | The assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. Ensure that you are actually the person performing the tasks, which are being submitted for assessment. You may be asked to verify this. |
Currency | The assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past. Ask yourself – can you still perform the task/activity to the appropriate standard? |
- Read information about Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) here.
- Complete and submit the online RPL application or submit an enquiry to rpl@intech.edu.au
- InTech will contact you directly to discuss the process and your requirements.
- Gather supporting evidence for your RPL
- InTech will conduct an initial assessment to determine if you have sufficient evidence to achieve the full qualification by RPL Where there are gaps identified by the assessor, InTech will advise you of the gaps and you may be required to complete additional gap training.
- If your evidence is sufficient, InTech will provide a tailored RPL Kit with selected units of competency and performance criteria that match your skills.
- You will complete the RPL Kit with a third-party referee to verify your skills.
- Submit the RPL Kit back to us
- We will process your RPL application and feedback will be provided.
- A Certificate or Statement of Attainment will be issued upon successful assessment.
Smart and Skilled Consumer Protection Policy
InTech Institute of Technology is aware of its obligations to provide consumer protection for all students as designated in the Competition and Consumer Act 2010, the NSW Fair Trading Act 1987, the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and the Smart and Skilled Consumer Protection Policy. To ensure our customers are fully protected and are aware of their rights and avenues of complaint we have developed a Consumer Protection Strategy as listed below.
InTech is committed to ethical marketing practices; we will not undertake marketing that is misleading, deceptive or of unconscionable conduct and will take extra care when marketing to vulnerable consumers who may be less able to understand what they are signing up for.
We understand that Australian Consumer Law (ACL) applies to the following services all education and training services, including:
- Advertising, marketing and promotion
- Soliciting and taking enrolments
- Training delivery
- Student assessment
- Handling of complaints by training providers
- Requests to cancel a student’s enrolment
For students undertaking training and assessment under the Smart and Skilled program, the following procedures are additional to the points included in our Consumer Protection Strategy:
- The Training Operations Manager will be the designated Customer Protection Officer. The Officer’s role will be to handle all complaints and grievances and to ensure compliance with Consumer Protection legislative and Funding Body contractual compliance.
- The contact details of the Consumer Protection Officer will be made available to all clients on the website and in pre-enrolment information
- Details of, or links to, the Smart and Skilled website and 1300 772 104 contact number will be made available on all public information including the website, brochure and/or information downloaded from the website or printed, enrolment forms and student induction material
- Every attempt will be made to resolve any student complaints using InTech’s Complaints and Appeals Policy
- If after following the Complaints and Appeals Process, a student feels that matters are unresolved to their satisfaction and wish to inform a third party, they will be provided with contact details for NSW Department of Education and Communities Consumer Protection Unit for Students
- We will not offer inducements of any kind, either directly or through marketing agents, to encourage student enrolment
More information
Learners who wish to find out more information about Customer Protection you can go to: https://smartandskilled.nsw.gov.au/for-students/consumer-protection-for-students
Or if learners have a complaint or enquiry about any service to do with Smart and Skilled they can email: smartandskilled.enquiries@det.nsw.edu.au or telephone: 1300 772 104
Complaints and Appeals
InTech ensures that the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness are adopted at every stage of the complaint and appeal process. Complaints and appeals are finalised as soon as possible.
It is a requirement of Smart and Skilled that students are encouraged, wherever possible, to attempt to resolve their concerns or difficulties using InTech’s Complaints and Appeals Policy. InTech encourages the parties to approach a complaint with an open view and to attempt to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation. Where a complaint cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation, InTech acknowledges the need for an appropriate external and independent agent to review the process implemented by InTech.
For complaints and appeals:
- The student will have an opportunity to formally present their case, in writing or in person at no cost to the student.
- The student may be accompanied and assisted by a support person at any relevant meetings.
- At the conclusion of the complaint or appeal the student will be given a written statement of the outcome, including details of the reasons for the outcome and the record of the complaint and outcome will be placed in the student file.
Should a student have a complaint or wish to appeal an assessment result, they are encouraged to do so using the following process:
- A student appealing an assessment outcome and/or the assessment process should discuss their issue with the Trainer/Assessor involved. This step must commence within ten (10) working days of the assessment outcome being advised.
- If still not satisfied, the learner must forward and email to the Training Operations Manager.
This should occur within 5 working days of Step 1. - The assessment is to be reviewed by a different Assessor and the results of the review summarised in a report. The learner will be advised of the appeals outcome within 10 working days. This should occur within 10 working days of Step 2.
- If still not satisfied with the outcome of the appeal, the student’s appeal is to be reviewed by the Training Operations Manager and the Learning and Development Manager. The Training Operations Manager will send an acknowledgment letter to the learner, record the report then review. The Training Operations Manager or Learning and Development Manager, if necessary, will convene a review panel to thoroughly examine the appeal. The student will be advised of the outcome within 10 working days.
- If the student is still not satisfied with the outcome of this procedure then the learner will be advised of their right to contact the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) by completing the complaints form at https://www.asqa.gov.au/complaints. This step should occur within 5 working days of Step 4.
First instance: Students are encouraged to speak immediately with their Trainer. If the student is not comfortable addressing the issue with the Trainer, they are encouraged to contact the Training Operations Manager (TOM).
Second instance: If the issue is not resolved the participant is encouraged to either speak to or contact in writing the Training Operations Manager (TOM).
Third instance: If the matter is still not resolved an independent third party will be requested to assist with resolution. Third parties may include relevant training representative(s), legal representative(s) e.g. Anti-discrimination board or other relevant personnel.
Outcomes of complaints will be provided to the participant in writing within 15 working days of the decision.
Records of all complaints handled under this procedure and their outcomes shall be maintained for a period of at least five years to allow all parties to the complaint appropriate access to these records, upon written request to InTech.
All records relating to complaints will be treated as confidential.
Smart and Skilled: Student Rights and Responsibilities
Student Rights
InTech will ensure that all enrolled students will:
- receive quality training and assessment that meets the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
- receive ongoing training and support necessary to ensure competency is achieved
- receive training of a high standard that recognisies individual learning styles and needs
- access all services offered by InTech regardless of race, colour, educational background, gender, marital status, age, sexual preference, pregnancy, physical or intellectual impairment or religious beliefs
- receive AQF certificates and Statements of Attainment on successful completion of the training course
- have access to our consumer protection system, including an identified Consumer Protection Officer and our Complaints and Appeals Process
- receive a refund for services not provided in the event of the training program being terminated early or if the agreed services are not provided either by ourselves or by a third party delivering on our behalf
- have their personal information protected in accordance with the National Privacy Principles and have access to that information on request
- be fully informed of fees and charges to complete the training course, including charges for equipment
- be provided with sufficient information regarding the requirements of the training and assessment to enable them to make an informed decision regarding enrolment in the training product
- be provided with information regarding the implications of government training entitlements and subsidy arrangements in relation to the delivery of the service and enrolment in other training
- provide a safe training environment free from harassment and discrimination
Student Responsibilities
All students must ensure they:
- provide true and accurate information at the time of enrolment and advise of any changes
- read the Student Handbook and ensure that it is understood
- behave in an ethical and responsible manner at all times when engaged in training and assessment activities
- meet their Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) duty of care responsibilities by immediately reporting any WHS concerns or incidents and follow any WHS related instructions
- do not behave in any way that might intimidate, threaten, harass or embarrass other students or staff
- are punctual and attend all scheduled training and assessment sessions
- complete online assessments as scheduled
- meet assessment deadlines
- do not cause damage to equipment or facilities
- provide USI or give permission to obtain one on their behalf
Unique Student Identifier (USI)
Since January 2015, all students undertaking nationally recognised training in Australia must have a Unique Student Identifier (USI) to receive your Qualification or Statement of Attainment.
A USI is your individual education number for life. It gives you an online record of your vocational education and training (VET) undertaken in Australia.
Before InTech can issue Certificates or Statements of Attainment, you must have a USI number.
Prior to enrolment, you will be asked to provide your USI. If you do not have a USI, you can either:
- Create your own
Visit the USI website www.usi.gov.au and follow the steps to create your USI.
You will need to provide the following information:
- Personal information: Legal name, Date of Birth
- Contact information: Email, mobile or mail
- Form of ID: Driver’s Licence, Medicare Card, Australian Passport, Visa (with Non-Australian passport) for international students, Birth Certificate *Australian), Certificate of Registration by Descent, Citizenship Certificate, Immicard
- Request InTech to create and access on your behalf.
For us to be able to create a USI on your behalf, you will need to give us permission and you will be required to sign a declaration to this effect. This is included in the enrolment forms.
Protection of Student's Privacy
Your Unique Student Identifier (USI) contains personal information, contact details and your training records and results. The USI system has been designed to keep this information safe and secure and is only accessed by the organisations and employers you choose to have access to your records.
Your privacy
The personal information that you provide to the Student Identifiers Registrar is collected, used, and may be disclosed, in accordance with the provisions of the Student Identifiers Act 2014 and the Privacy Act 1988. The Student Identifiers Registrar’s Privacy Policy provides information about the protection of your information, including how you can access and seek correction of your personal information held by the Student Identifiers Registrar and how to make a complaint about a breach of your privacy and how such complaints are handled.
Access to records: Smart and Skilled
You will be required to set access controls to allow the NSW Department of Education and InTech the appropriate levels of access to your USI records.
Privacy Policy
Please refer to our privacy policy on our website www.intech.edu.au